E-mail: info@musicandbrain.de, Tel: +49(0) 176 62411277
Singing Mandarin? What Short-Term Memory Capacity, Basic Auditory Skills, and Musical and Singing Abilities Reveal About Learning Mandarin
Christiner, M., Renner, J., Groß, C., Seither-Preisler, A., Benner, J., Schneider, P.(2022)
Frontiers in Psychology, Volume 13 | Article 895063.
Examining Individual Differences in Singing, Musical and Tone Language Ability in Adolescents and Young Adults with Dyslexia
Christiner, M., Serrallach, BL., Benner, J., Bernhofs, V., Schneider, P., Renner, Sommer-Lolei, S., Groß, C. (2022)
Brain Sciences 12 (6), 744
Neuromorphological and Neurofunctional Correlates of ADHD and ADD in the Auditory Cortex of Adults
Serrallach, BVL., Groß,C., Christiner, M., Wildermuth, S., Schneider, P. (2022)
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 631
Musical Performance in Adolescents with ADHD, ADD and Dyslexia—Behavioral and Neurophysiological Aspects
Groß, C.,Serrallach, BL., Möhler, E., Pousson, JE., Schneider, P., Christiner, M., Bernhofs V. (2022)
Brain sciences 12 (2), 127
Inform yourself on site in Heidelberg: KLAWA >>
The research results can also be interesting for you personally: KLAWA - Musikpädagogische Hörberatung shows you the way to start with the instrument that suits you best. Come by in Heidelberg-Neuenheim, if you like, also with your child(ren). There you can learn more about the sound perception test and try it out without obligation. You will get answers to your personal questions about sound perception, choice of musical instruments, choice of teachers and scientific research results.Since March 2021 we offer in our rooms of the Heidelberg Hearing Academy in individual operation the AULOS hearing training, which was further developed on a neuroscientific basis according to the basic principles of Tomatis. On the one hand, this is suitable for healthy elementary school children, adolescents and adults who, especially as musicians or singers, would like to improve or sensitize their hearing, listening and auditory skills. On the other hand, people with hearing deficits or the following other indications also find relief: KLAWA >>